Functional foods in pet nutrition: Focus on dogs and cats
Substitution of a commercial diet with raw meat & vegetable foods affects faecal microbiome.....
Owners’ perception of acquiring infections thru raw pet food: a comprehensive internet-based survey.
Addition of plant fibre to raw meat high protein, high fat diet, alters the faecal bacteriome....
Raw diets for dogs and cats: a review, with particular reference to microbiological hazards.
Raw meat-based diets for dogs: survey of owners’ motivations, attitudes and practices.
True Nutrient and Amino Acid Digestibility of Dog Foods Made with Human-Grade Ingredients Using the
Association between pulse ingredients & canine dilated cardiomyopathy: addressing knowledge gaps...
Food preferences of similarly raised and kept captive dogs and wolves
Metabolites and microbiota of adult dogs fed extreuded, mildly cooked, and raw diets.
The fecal microbiome & metabolome: Bones and Raw Food (BARF) diets vs. commercial diets.
The trend of raw meat-based diets: risks to people and animals.
The relationships between environment, diet, transcriptome and atopic dermatitis in dogs
Effect of kibble raw meat diets on peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene expression profile in dogs
Raw pet food sales growing despite health warnings
Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs: Raw Pet Food: 75th Meeting of ACAF
225 Fecal microbiota and metabolites of adult dogs fed extruded, mildly cooked, and raw diets.
Raw Meat-Based Diets in Dogs and Cats
Survey of owner motivations veterinary input of owners feeding diets containing raw animal products.
Key bacterial families are related to the digestion of protein and energy in dogs.
Trace element measurement for assessment of dog food safety.
Raw meat based diet influences faecal microbiome and end products of fermentation in healthy dogs.